Doing The Hard Stuff

As you know, Gods of IMAGO is now in the marketing and “get the word out phase” of the publishing process. The Author’s Guild just released a cool promo piece for the novel.

Which leads me to:

How do you get information out there about your novel when the social media sites (like yours and mine) are like tiny pin pricks of light in the night sky filled with myriad tiny pin pricks? There is no easy way, and if anyone is telling you there is… they are lying to you… or asking you for an absurd amount of money. How do you do it? Well, it’s like my good friend Bob always says, “You got to do the hard stuff, and nobody wants to do the hard stuff.” What is the “hard stuff” of this stage of the game?

  1. Do your research 6 months ahead of time. Spend the time and go through reliable sources (Author’s Guild for example) and find the link for reviewers. They are out there, and they are looking for your book. You need to be earnest and committed, but go to the websites, fill out the review forms (which will ask for bio and blurb and links to the book and website info, publisher info, info about info, etc…). But this is the “hard stuff” you have to do. Hey, it’s not like pounding rocks in the salt mines! It takes organization, gathering of information, and time. Do the hard stuff!
  2. Join established Organizations: There are many organizations that will help with your roll out once you publish your novel. You have to join them first. Some are more selective than others, but that is the point. The more selective (and maybe you are not ready for such groups yet), the more power behind the promotion. But once you get into the Organization, then you will have the opportunity to leverage their leverage! Don’t worry about “will they take me or not?” Apply. You will never know unless you apply. Do the Hard Stuff!
  3. Contact the libraries in your state and tell them you have a new book coming out. Libraries are your friends! They have a lot of power, if you can get them to buy your book. Yes, time, organization, commitment, lots more time, forms, forms, forms – and yes, some want physical copies sent to their physical acquisitions librarian… but do the hard stuff. Send it out.
  4. Offer to present and read your book. Yup, it’s hard, it’s scary, and you may get no takers, but if one organization says “yes” – you’re in, and you can begin the humiliating (and often never discussed) book reading. Maybe nobody shows; maybe a few; maybe a room full. You will never know until you experience the absolute madness/glory… yes even humiliation of a Book Reading. Maybe soon I will post about my experiences. Could be a movie.

And much much much more, but for now, that is a good place to start. The place to begin is always where you are currently standing. All it takes is the next step. Look around you. Find out what that next step is. DO THE HARD STUFF: TAKE THE STEP. Let me know how it’s going for you. I would love to share what is working For you and what is not. Send me questions from the “Contact” page on my blog:

Click Here for my Author’s Guild Promo pieces:

Buy Gods of IMAGO from anywhere you purchase your books.

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